Monday, May 21, 2007

internets, REJOICE!

yes, rejoice my fellow interwubblettes, for yea, it is a good day. Starcraft II was announced earlier this weekend and my pants were filled with joobilation. 1up and ign have movies, reviews and other treats and i spend most of my day watching the cinnematic over at but honestly, blizzard is the supreme candy-man of gaming, the black temple isnt even live yet and fanboys worldwide are already salivating at the next big game release. i should have bought blizzard stock years ago.
i kind of wish SC2 was a band so i could drop out of school and tour with kerrigan and jimmy. sc2 roadies ftw. ride around the country in a dropship, tuning jimmy's guitar, unwinding kerrigan's mic cords, head-banging backstage whilst they rock out on stage belting out their hits like "upgrade faster!" and "spawn more overlords" or the single off their first album "lawlz! one dark templar is goings destroy your hole base! dum n00b! build turrets! omgwtfbbq!!1!1!!".
yeah... that would be awesome.

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